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Growth and development of e-commerce

Engagement in commerce with one another is coming out from thousend years,variety of tools have been adopted during this process of technologies according to the availability.As an example business or trading process is coming from aincent time,part of that is done by selling ships,or by supplying grocery to the sailers.This process of buying and selling opened so many new paths for business.Over the time technology became advanced and new way of communicating is made such as telephone,steam engiene,printing machines with which people conducted activities of commerce.Slowly computer came in the life and internet invention gave  a new look to commerce.Slowly e-commerce came in the scene to meet the requirements of the daily life and business.Which took place by opening more ways and by rapid grouth then other technologies by making a diferent history.

Merchandising in a glance (How merchandising works)

EFTS (Electronic Funds Transfer)

E-Commerce and E-Business(Electronic commerce and electronic business)

Electronic Commerce

Using portable directory structure

Using external HTML templates for PHP


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