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E-Commerce and E-Business(Electronic commerce and electronic business)

Electronic commerce (E-Commerce)Stands for shopping in the internet or world wide web.On the other hand electronic commerce or (E-Commerce) stands for online business to business relation and also internal relation and support for their sales,buy,hire,planning,and other activities.Well on the web terms or internet terms this process broadly known as E-Business.As a example IBM explains this term e-business as transformation of real time business with the help of the internet or web technology.Most people use this term electronic commerce or electronic business interchangeably.In my term internet business used in broadest way by the use of world wide web,cellphones,telephones and internet network.Where internet technology stands for world wide web and wireless transmissions on mobile networks.Companies that operates only online business that sometimes stands for dot com (.com) business because it allways get found in the domain names that separates them from non internet busienesses or sometimes both ways as solely or together with online facility.


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