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Hypertext Markup Language, or as it is more commonly known, HTML, is the computer
language at the heart of the World Wide Web. When you create a Web site, you use HTML
to put the text, pictures, animations, and perhaps video and sound onto the individual Web pages that
make up the site. In addition, HTML lets you insert hypertext links and interactive buttons that connect
your Web pages to other pages on your Web site and on other Web sites around the world. Web design
is a creative process, and HTML is simply one of the tools (the page description language) you use to
produce Web pages.
HTML is a text markup and not a programming language. In theory, a Web page you create using
HTML should be viewable by anyone with a computer, any Web browser, and access to the Internet.
In reality, the ability to view all the content on a Web page depends on the capabilities of your Web
browser. Web browsers are programs that interpret the HTML in Web page documents and display
text, pictures, and animations on the visitor’s computer screen. Either alone or with the help of other
installed programs, browsers also play back any video and sound files you use HTML to insert on
a Web page. The latest versions of the two most popular Web browsers, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer
and Netscape’s Netscape Navigator, can display just about anything you can use HTML to put onto a
Web page.
For visitors to access Web pages on your Web site, they must first connect to the Internet and start
a Web browser. After the Web server sends a Web page to the visitor’s computer, the Web browser
interprets the HTML in the Web page file and displays the file’s contents as text and graphics images
in the browser’s application window.
Web servers and Web browsers use the HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) to communicate.
Among other things, the HTTP protocol specifies both the way in which Web browsers and servers
send messages and the structure of the messages themselves. A thorough discussion of the various
HTTP message types and structures is beyond the scope of this book. However, to design and create
even complex Web sites, you need only a basic understanding of the HTTP request and response stream

                                   (between Web browser and Web server) illustrated in Figure.


                                               A Web server handling a request for Web content

1. Each time you enter a Web address (such as into your browser’s
Address field and press ENTER, the Web browser sends an HTTP request for a file over the
Internet to the Web server.
2. After it receives the HTTP request for a file, the Web server retrieves the requested file and
sends the Web page to the Web browser.
3. The Web browser analyzes the Web page file to determine if there are any inserted files (such
as graphics, animations, sounds, and so on) that the browser needs from the Web server.
4. The Web browser sends multiple HTTP requests (one for each file the browser needs) to the
Web server.
5. As the Web server receives the HTTP requests for files, the server finds each file and sends
the files (one file per HTTP request) to the Web browser.
6. The Web browser takes the original Web page files, follows the instructions given by the
HTML tags in the file to combine the Web page and the inserted file contents into a Web
document the browser displays onscreen.

                                                                  HTML Container Tags

Essentially, a Web page is a text file that contains instructions in the form of HTML codes (called
tags) and attributes. The tags are the commands the Web browser later follows to format the text and
insert the graphics images you want on the Web page. Some, but not all, HTML commands require
both a start and an end tag. Those that do are called container tags, because the instruction in the start
tag applies to everything the Web page contains between the start tag and the end tag.
Each HTML command (that is, each HTML tag) starts with a less-than sign (<) followed by the tag’s name and any attributes, and ends with a greater-than sign (>). To create an end tag for a start
tag, you insert a forward slash (/) in front of the tag’s name. Thus, a start tag has the form and an end tag has the form . The tag’s name tells the Web browser the tag’s
purpose; the attributes (if any) that follow the tagname give the Web browser additional information
the browser needs to carry out the tag’s instructions.
For example, the following code illustrates how the start and end paragraph tags (
) enclose,
or contain, a section of text. In this example, the
tag instructs the Web browser to display the text
up to the
tag using the default formatting rules:
This is an example of paragraph text.

If you want the browser to display the paragraph text using a specific font and color, you would add
attributes that specified such things as the color, typeface, size, and so on to a tag that follows
tag and precedes the text whose look you want to specify. (You will learn about attributes
after you read more about tags in the next two sections.)
HTML Section Tags
To organize the various parts of the HTML that describes a Web page, you use a set of section tags.
The types of HTML tags in each section of the Web page definition have a specific purpose:
• These occur at the start and end of an HTML document. As such, start and
end HTML tags enclose all the other HTML tags you use to describe the Web page.
• Start and end header tags immediately follow the start HTML tags ()
and denote the Web page header. You can use tags in the Web page header to include such
information as the name of the author and the date the author created the page. In addition,
you insert tags with information that describes your page so that Web search engines can add
references to your page to their search indexes. Of the HTML tags and information you place
in the header section, the visitor’s browser displays only the Web page title. You insert the Web
page title in the header section between start and end title tags (), as shown in the
code sample that follows this list of section tags.
• Start and end body tags immediately follow the Web page header section
and denote the Web page body. The body section of the Web page contains the tags that tell the
Web browser what to display onscreen and how you want it to look.
The following code illustrates the correct placement of the HTML section tags:

<title>Title of the document</title>

The content of the document......


Note that you can write HTML tags as all uppercase, all lowercase, or a combination of the two,
because Web browsers are currently case-insensitive. However, standards such as the XHTML and
XML specification require that you use lowercase tags—even if Web browsers continue to support
both lower and uppercase tags for a time. As such, write all your HTML tags and attributes in lowercase.
That way, as Web browsers force Web designers to comply with newer standards, the Web browsers
will still render correctly the Web pages you create now.
HTML Empty Tags
In addition to container tags (refer to “HTML Container Tags” earlier in this chapter), HTML uses a
second type of tag called an empty tag. Whereas container tags enclose page content, such as a line of
text within a start and end tag, empty tags do not require an end tag. Think of an empty tag as a single
command or statement such as “go here” or “do this.” For example, the following HTML code uses
the line break tag (
) to instruct the Web browser to drop down to the next line before displaying
the next item on the page (in this example, a second line of text):

<body FIRST LINE="50">
<body SECOND LINE="50">

                               Creating a Web Page

HTML text documents are actually quite simple to create. To create an HTML document, you open a
text-editing program and then type in the HTML code. After you have entered the HTML statements,
you save your document as a text file with an .htm or .html extension. For example, start your favorite
text editor (such as Windows Notepad) now, and enter the following HTML:

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"
 bgcolor="black" id="shell" height="250" width="400">
<tr height="50"><td colspan="2" bgcolor="white">
<table title="Banner" id="banner" border="0">
<tr><td>Place a banner here</td></tr>
<tr height="200"><td bgcolor="white">
<table id="navigation" title="Navigation" border="0">
</td><td bgcolor="white">
<table title="Content" id="content" border="0">
<tr><td>Content goes here</td></tr>

Content goes here

               Controlling the Format of Text

In standard word processing, a paragraph defines a group of sentences. Typically, a blank line or an
indented first word identifies the start of a new paragraph.

When you insert text into a Web page, the tag controls the end of text and the subsequent
beginning of the next paragraph. The tag instructs the Web browser to move down one line,
insert a blank line, and then to begin the next paragraph on the line below the blank line for the text
following the tag.
In this following code, the start and end paragraph tags () mark the beginning and end of
each paragraph.The text between the two paragraph tags defines a single
paragraph. Paragraphs contain one or more sentences

The next paragraph starts here with a blank line inserted
between the two paragraphs

HTML also has several text formatting tags you can use to change the appearance of text, usually
for emphasis. To apply a formatting style, place the format’s start tag at the beginning of the text you
want to style. The following list describes three of the most common formatting tags.
• Text placed between the Bold tags is displayed in bold font.
• Text placed between the Italic tags is displayed in italic font.
• Text placed between the Underline tags is displayed with an underline.
The following HTML code displays text in the bold, italic, and underlined style.

                              HTML ATTRIBUTES

You insert one or more attributes in an HTML tag to give the Web browser additional information
about the way in which the browser is to carry out the tag’s instruction. For example, a tag
tells the Web browser you want to change the appearance of the text that follows the tag. The color
and face attributes that follow the tag’s name in the following code tell the browser the color (red)
and typeface (Helvetica) that the browser is to use in order to change the appearance of the text that
follows the tag:

This text is red, Helvetica text.

Attributes, which you always insert after the tag’s name in either start tags or empty tags, consist
of three components: the attribute’s name, followed by the equal sign (=), followed by the attribute’s
value enclosed in quotes—either double (“”) or single (‘’).

The Web browser will continue to apply the attribute(s) you specify within a start tag until the browser
reads the associated end tag. In this example, the Web browser will continue to make text look as specified
by the color and font attributes in the tag until the browser encounters the tag in the Web
page HTML. 

                      WORKING WITH TEXT AND FONTS
Unless you specify otherwise in the Web page HTML, visitors to your Web site view page text
using their default typeface, style, color, and character size. The visitor’s Web browser controls
the default settings for the text displayed onscreen by the browser. Using the start and end font tags
( ), you control how text looks when displayed by the visitor’s Web browser. Note that
the font tag is deprecated, which means that future versions of the Web browsers that conform to the
latest HTML standard may no longer support, and therefore ignore, the tag and its attributes.
Although you can use attributes within the tag to affect the appearance of text, you can achieve
the same effects (and more) by creating CSS rules as you will learn to do in Chapter 4.
The following attributes you can place within the start font tag instruct the Web browser how to
display the text in the Web document:
• The color attribute defines the color of the text. Color values can be
names (such as “red”, “green”, “yellow”, “blue”, and so on) or hexadecimal triplets (such as
#FF0000, #008000, #FFFF00, #0000FF, and so on) that represent the amount of red, green,
and blue the Web browser is to mix to produce the color of text you want.
• The size attribute defines the size of the text (relative to a base font size)
using values from –7 to 7. The lower the value, the smaller the size of the font.
• The face attribute defines the name of the font’s typeface (Times
New Roman, Helvetica, and Arial are a few examples of typefaces found on most computer
systems). If the font defined in the face attribute is not available on the visitor’s computer, the
Web browser ignores the face attribute and substitutes the browser’s default typeface.
The Web browser controls the default values for color, size, and typeface. To return text to the
browser’s default values, place a tag at the end of the text whose appearance you changed
with attributes in a tag. The following code instructs the Web browser to display the text in
red using the Helvetica typeface, and then returns to displaying text (following the tag) using
the browser’s default text characteristics:


Assigning the Same Set of Attributes to Multiple Page Elements

When you want to assign the same set of attributes to several adjacent Web page elements at once,
enclose the elements you want to affect with start and end division tags (
). Say, for
example, that you want to center two lines of text and a graphic image between the left and right
margins on the Web page. Rather than add the align attribute to each of the three HTML tags, place
tag before the first element and a
tag after the end of the last element, as shown in the
following code:

This text is centered ABOVE the picture.
This text is centered BELOW the picture.

tag lets you assign one or more formatting attributes to a group of HTML tags. The

tag instructs the Web browser to again use the default values for attributes specified in the
Creating Web Pages Using Text Editors, Word Processors,
and Web Layout Applications
Creating an “exceptional” Web page requires good design technique and a thorough understanding of
HTML tags and attributes. Setting the concepts of “good” and “bad” page design aside, making a Web page
boils down to one thing, creating a document (that is, a text file) that contains the HTML code necessary
to tell the Web browser to display what you want onscreen. Although this chapter discusses the ins and
outs of basic HTML code, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the programs available for creating
text documents in which you write and store your Web page HTML.
A Web page is nothing more than a text document that contains all of the text content and HTML
(tags and attributes) the Web browser needs to display the information you want onscreen. As such,
you do not need a specialized program to generate a Web page. You need only a general knowledge
of HTML and a program that lets you save a text-only file. Three types of programs let you create
HTML documents: text editors, word processors, and HTML layout programs (such as Dreamweaver
and FrontPage). All three have their advantages and, in some cases, disadvantages.
Text Editors
A text editor is the simplest (and perhaps easiest to use) of the three types of programs that let you
create a text document. A text editor is a no-frills application that lets you enter text into the computer and save what you type to a file on the hard drive or on a floppy disk. On a Windows computer,
Microsoft supplies a text editor called Notepad, and on the Macintosh, the text editor is called
Typically, text editors do not have a spell check module or advanced formatting tools, such as
style sheets and paragraph rules. Text editors do however let you type information onto an electronic
sheet of paper and save what you type to a file. The major disadvantage of using a text editor to create
a Web page is that text editors provide little help in writing tags that conform to HTML syntax rules.
You type the HTML; the text editor records the text. However, the text editor will not alert you to
misspelled words or HTML syntax errors. The advantage in using a text editor to create a Web page
is that text editors force you to learn the HTML more quickly, because they provide no crutch on
which you can lean. Figure 1-6 shows an HTML document written using Microsoft Notepad.
After you type your HTML into Notepad, select File | Save and enter a filename to save your
Web page to disk. Be sure to give your filename an .htm or .html (and not the default .txt) extension.
Word Processors
The two most popular word processors on the market are Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect.
Word processors give you an advantage over simple text editors in that you can call the word processor
to spell check what you type. However, unless you use a spell check module designed to check
1 2 H T M L & W e b D e s i g n T i p s & T e c h n i q u e s


HTML, you will spend a lot of time instructing the word processor to ignore the spelling of HTML
tags, because most tag names are only abbreviations and not correctly spelled words in English.
If your word processor does not have an HTML spell check module, you can instruct the application
to learn new words. For example, the word processor will mark the image tag  as being a
misspelled word. However, when you instruct the word processor to learn that the character string
“ is spelled correctly, the word processor will accept subsequent occurrences of it in the
document as spelled correctly. A word of caution, make sure that the HTML tag you type is syntactically
correct before you click the spell check program’s learn button.
Thus, a word processor has two advantages. First, you can tell the word processor to check the
spelling of words and tags you enter into your Web page HTML; and second, you still have to learn
HTML quickly because must you still type the HTML you want the browser to execute into the document.
When you save the file, be sure to use the word processor’s “save as” function to save the
document as a text-only file. Word processors do something that text editors do not; they insert special
codes into a document. These embedded codes can affect how the Web browser interprets the document
and worst case, can prevent the Web browser from displaying your Web page at all, or even cause the
browser to crash. Because HTML documents do not require embedded text formatting codes, tell
the word processor to save your HTML file using the text-only option.

Working with Relative vs. Absolute Pathnames for Files
When you create a new Web site, you will have to move the Web content (that is, the HTML documents,
graphics, animation, sound, and other support files) from your development computer to the Web server.
If your Web pages contain links to pages stored in the same or related folders (such as a subfolder or
parent folder), you can save yourself considerable time and work by using relative pathnames when
referencing files in the Web page HTML tags.
When a site visitor clicks on a hypertext link, the Web browser uses the pathname given by the
hyperlink’s href attribute to locate the file the browser is to retrieve. When specifying the location of
a file, you can use either an absolute or a relative pathname. Suppose, for example, that you have a
graphics file named clock.jpg located in the folder named Folder_B, and that Folder_B, in turn, is
located within a folder named Folder_A, as illustrated in Figure 1-8.
A relative path consists of the folder names the browser needs to navigate to get to the file starting
at the location of the Web page with the hyperlink that references the external file. For example, if
clock.jpg is located in the Folder_B (as shown in Figure 1-8), and the Web page that references clock.jpg
is located in Folder_A, the relative pathname for clock.jpg in the current Web page is Folder_B/clock.jpg.
In other words, the current folder contains Folder_B, which in turn, contains the file clock.jpg. The
following  tag uses a src attribute with a relative pathname.

A relative pathname instructs the Web browser to start looking for the file within the folder that
contains the current HTML document. Say for example that the HTML document that contains the
image in the  tag in the preceding example is located in a folder named idx_folder. The relative
pathname in the src attribute then implies the folder named Folder_A is located within the idx_folder.
Absolute paths, on the other hand, locate a file by starting at the top level of the folder hierarchy
and moving downward through all the intervening folders to reach the file—without regard to the
location of the current Web document. Absolute paths always begin with a slash (/) to differentiate
them from relative paths.
Suppose, for example, that clock.jpg is located on the D drive in the folder named Folder_B, which
is located within the folder named Folder_A. To specify an absolute pathname, you must tell the browser
where to look for the file starting with the drive on which the folder with the file is located. The following
code shows the absolute pathname for clock.jpg in the current example:

Using absolute pathnames makes moving Web site files from a local drive to a Web server or from
one Web server to another difficult. For example, to use relative pathnames successfully, you need
only create on the Web server a main folder for the site and then place all the documents and support
files into subfolders within the main folder—as they are on your development machine. The relative
pathnames will be as valid on the Web server as they are on your system—even if the remainder of

the Web server’s folder hierarchy is nothing like yours. Conversely, if you use absolute addresses, the
Web server must have exactly the same folder hierarchy as that found on your development system in
order for the Web server to be able to find the files referenced in hyperlinks within your Web pages.

Controlling the Flow of Text with
Paragraph and Line Break Tags
When you place unformatted text on a Web page, the width of the browser’s application window
controls the number of words the browser displays on each line onscreen. Unformatted text is simply

text entered into an HTML document between the start and end body tags ( ), such as
that shown in the following code:

When you insert unformatted text
into an HTML document. It does not matter
how the text appears within the
HTML document because the Web browser
does not recognize the carriage return or
enter key as a valid
formatting tool.

Web browsers ignore the carriage return and line feed characters you insert into the Web page HTML
by pressing ENTER to move down to the next line when typing. By default, Web browsers define the
length of each line to be the width of the Web browser application window and not the number of
characters on each line in the Web page HTML. The following illustrates how the Web browser sets
the length of each line of unformatted text in the preceding HTML to the width of the browser’s
application window

To group lines of text into paragraphs and to control the last word on each line, HTML
provides the start and end paragraph tags (
) and the
tag. When it encounters
tag, the Web browser moves to the next line onscreen, inserts a blank line, and then displays

To group lines of text into paragraphs and to control the last word on each line, HTML
provides the start and end paragraph tags (
) and the
tag. When it encounters
tag, the Web browser moves to the next line onscreen, inserts a blank line, and then displays

the text that follows the
tag on the next line below the blank line. Therefore, to group related
sentences into “blocks” of paragraph text, place a
tag before the first word in the paragraph and
tag after the last. For example, if the Web page HTML has three lines of text, each enclosed
by start and end paragraph tags (
), the Web browser will display the text as three paragraphs
with a blank line between each line of text.
Unlike the
tag, the
tag has no end tag. After the Web browser encounters a
tag in
the Web page HTML, the browser moves down to the next line onscreen before displaying additional
text. Thus, you can use either the
tag or the
tag to tell the Web browser to move to a new
line before displaying more text. When you only want to move to the next line, use the
tag; when
you want to move to the next line and insert a blank line between the current line of text and the next,
use the
tag in the Web page HTML.
The text in the following HTML describes the effect of the
tag and the
tag and how the

When you insert formatted text
into an HTML document.

The placement of the paragraph and line break tags
within the HTML document

determines the line breaks for the text.

The paragraph tags leave a blank line between lines
of text

and the line break tags break the text without inserting

an additional blank line.

Formatting tags (such as the
tag and the
tag) determine where a line of text ends in
the browser’s application window. In word-processing terms, the
tag inserts a hard return,
and the
tag inserts two hard returns on the page.
The Web browser (like a word processor) executes a soft return to break the text at the right-hand
margin on each page. Remember, in a Web document the right-hand side of the browser’s application
window represents the right-hand margin of the Web page. As such, you can use formatting tags to
specify the last word on a line, but the Web browser will still insert soft returns as necessary to make
each line of text fit within the width of the browser’s application window.

Although, as previously stated, the width of the browser window controls the width of a line of
text, there are occasions where you will not want the browser to break the line of text. In that case,
insert a no break space ( ) between the words you want the browser to display together on the
same line. Say for example you create a subheading for a paragraph of text and you want the heading
to remain on one line. To force the browser to keep the words on one line, insert the no break space
between the words of the subheading, as shown here:

         Changing the Alignment of Text and Graphics

Because most Web pages have both graphics images and text, aligning graphics and text within the
browser application window is a basic element of Web page design. By default, the Web browser will
display objects in the HTML document in the order in which the browser finds them. Moreover, the
browser places the objects one after another onscreen from left to right, top to bottom.

Suppose, for example, that you want the browser to display an image above a line of text that
describes the image. If you simply place an  tag in the HTML document and then type the
line of text, the browser will display the text next to (that is, to the right of) and not below the image.
Remember, the Web browser displays the items in the HTML document onscreen one after another
moving from left to right. The browser puts an item at the left-hand margin of a new line only when
the browser reaches the right-hand margin of the current line on the page.
The following code shows the order of the graphic and text elements. The
tag instructs the
browser to display the text that follows the image on the line below the image onscreen:

The illustrated flowers grow wild on the
flat plains of Kansas

Placing the  tag in the HTML document ahead of the text tells the Web browser to display
the picture before the browser displays the text. Inserting the
tag between the image and the text
tells the Web browser to display a line break (that is, to move to the next line on the page) and insert
a blank line after displaying the image and before displaying the text that follows the image in the
Web page HTML.
the text in this example.

Notice that inserting the
tag correctly aligns the graphics image and text vertically. However,
you may also want the browser to center both the picture and the text between the left and right-hand
margins of the Web page. HTML provides the start and end center tags (

) to let you
work with the horizontal alignment of objects on the Web page. Understand that although the center
alignment tags are still used, they are deprecated tags, which means Web browsers may no longer
support them at some point in the future. The preferred method of aligning text and graphics is with
rules in a CSS, which you will learn about in Chapter 4.
By default, the Web browser aligns the first object on each line flush with the left-hand
margin on the Web page. As such, you would use the

tag to change the default
alignment and thereby change the horizontal position of an object on a line or group of lines. The
start and end center tags (
)in the following HTML tell the Web browser to center
the graphics image and text (enclosed within the tags) between the left and right margins of the Web

The illustrated flowers
grow wild on the flat plains of Kansas
Adding a Hypertext Link to a Web Page 

Web pages have a distinct advantage over paper documents: Web pages, unlike paper documents, can
have hypertext links to other pages, either on the same Web site or on other sites. Rather than turning
pages as they would when reading a book, site visitors click on hypertext links to move from page to
page (or site to site). A hypertext link is a single word or a group of words upon which a visitor clicks
to instruct the Web browser to retrieve a Web page (or other file) from the Web server.
To a site visitor, a typical hypertext link appears on the Web page as underlined text. Normally, the
Web browser uses one color (such as blue) to represent hypertext links to Web pages not yet visited,
and another color (such as purple) for links to pages the browser recently retrieved.
To create a hypertext link, place a set of start and end anchor tags () around
the text on which the visitor is to click to activate the link. (Hypertext is the text between
the start and end anchor tags.) Then, set the href attribute in the to the pathname of the file the browser
is to retrieve when the visitor clicks on the hypertext. For example, the words “Click here to move to
the next page” in the following HTML statement are the “hypertext” in a hypertext link, and the Web
browser will underline the words on the Web page:
Click here to move to the next page.
When the visitor clicks on the underlined words (or between them) in this example, the Web
browser will load the Web page in the file named info.htm. Notice that you place the href attribute
within the tag and the hypertext itself outside the tag between the start and end anchor tags
To create a hyperlink to a Web page on another Web site, include the site’s URL along with the
Web page filename in the href attribute. For example, the following code creates a hypertext link to
the index page (that is, the home page) at

Click here to go to

When the site visitor clicks anywhere within “Click here to go to” (that is,
anywhere on hyperlink’s anchor text), the Web browser will retrieve (and display) the homepage
document (index.html) from the Web site. Thus, in this example, the value of
the href attribute (href =“”) creates a hypertext link between
a Web page on your site and the index.html (homepage) document on the Web
site. Note that you can also create a hyperlink to a Web site’s homepage by supplying only the site’s
URL (without the index page filename) in the href attribute as:

Click here to go to

In addition to using hypertext links to move from document to document, or site to site, you can
use hypertext links to let the visitor download files from the Web site. For example, the following

code tells the Web browser to download an image file named when visitors click on
either of the words in “Click here”:

Click here
 to download a photo of my new Corvette.
The href attribute tells the Web browser to retrieve the picture of the Corvette ( from
the cars folder on the Web site.
You can make your Web pages interactive and user-friendly by adding hypertext links that let visitors
download files and navigate the pages on your site or onto other sites. When you create hypertext
links, make sure the hypertext or the text that precedes or follows the hyperlink explains, in easy-tounderstand
wording, exactly what will occur when a visitor clicks on the text to activate the hyperlink.
In addition, because most Web surfers associate underlined text with hypertext links, avoid the use
of the start and end underline tags () to emphasize text within a Web document. To emphasize
a word or group of words within a Web document choose styles such as bold, italic, or change the
typeface, color, or size of the text.


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