Recently, the web is becoming an important part of people’s life.The web is a very good place to run successful
businesses.Almost everything can be bought from online stores without
the need to go to physical shops.A retail website is an effective line of
communication between the businesses and their customers.Even if the business
does not present all of its products and services in the website, the website may
be just what the customer needs to see to choose it over a competitor.A successful website is a well-structured website.The website is well-structured
from the user’s point of view if it contains services that satisfy user’s needs, if the
user navigation is simplified, and if he can reach his target page in a short time.from the point of view of the website owner, a website
is well-structured if it participates in increasing the business overall profit, if it
increases the user’s trust in the business and its products, and participates in
supporting the business marketing strategies.It is important to develop
and use tools that can guarantee to a high degree the quality of websites
to meet the requirements of both website owners and users.One of the effective used technologies for that purpose is data mining.Data mining
is the process of extracting interesting patterns from large databases.Web
mining is the usage of data mining techniques.simplifying,,
user navigation and information accessibility and improving the content
and the structure of the website in a way that meets the requirements of both
website owner and user which will consequently increase the overall profit of the
business or the industry that the maintained website belongs to.Several businesses use cookies
to follow customers through the World Wide Web, but cookies are sometimes
detected and disabled by web browsers and do not provide much insight into
customer preferences.applying
data mining techniques such as association rule mining, clustering, and
classification on the contents of the information system of the business. Then,
from the extracted patterns, the information needed to be considered in the website
building process is gained and invested during the design phase in the process
of website design which yields to a better designed website.The main advantage
of this method is the reduced maintenance time and budgetary costs for websites.In web mining, different approaches
are used to identify customers and transactions. Those approaches can
not guarantee that the actual customers and transactions have been identified.
Therefore, there exists a failure probability in defining customers and transactions.In contrast, in our methodology, we can guarantee that we mine the actual
customers transactions and profiles which were collected from users personally.Another application field of data mining is using association rule mining to analyze
market basket data.A transactions database contains information about
customers transactions, where each transaction is a collection of items.Association rule mining is finding all association rules that
have support and confidence values greater than or equal a user-specified minimum
support (minsup) and minimum confidence (minconf) respectively. minsup
and minconf are functions that measure the interestingness of an association
rule.Those rules are called interesting association rules.But the interestingness
of an association rule that represents a group of items can have many different
meanings.In this approach, beside
the usage of interesting association rules, the association rules that do not satisfy
minimum requirements (i.e. have support and confidence values less than the user specified minsup and minconf, respectively) are also considered in the decision
making process.The core idea
of this method is that the interesting frequent itemsets are mainly covered by
many recent transactions.The lack of suitable real life and synthetic datasets
to apply our ideas motivated us to implement the TARtool which is a data mining
tool and a dataset generator.The TARtool can generate temporal datasets that
simulates both retail and e-commerce environments
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