Conversation and comments are common place on the Web.
The DIALOG element allows you to identify conversation on a
screen. There are three main parts to the DIALOG element:
• The wrapping DIALOG element that identifies a conversation.
• A DT element that identifies the speaker.
• A DD element that identifies the conversation.
Using the DIALOG element to block conversation can look as
<DT>Josie Smith </DT>
<DD>HTML5 is a great way to block semantic elements on
a page. </DT>
<DT>Ian Jones </DT>
<DD>Yes, you are absolutely right. </DD>
<DT>Josie Smith </DT>
<DD>Conversation can now be easily identified. </DT>
<DT>Ian Jones </DT>
<DD><P>Blocking allows you to accomplish several things
such as:</P>
<LI>Clearly identifying blocks of content on a page</LI>
<LI>Making it easier to construct page designs</LI>
Opening and closing the conversation is the main DIALOG
element. Each new conversation starts with a DT element that
identifies the speaker. For instance, Ian Jones is identified using
the following DT element:
<DT>Ian Jones </DT>
Ian’s conversation is then wrapped between a DD element.
Here is a close-up example.
<DD><P>Blocking allows you to accomplish several things
such as:</P>
<LI>Clearly identifying blocks of content on a page</LI>
<LI>Making it easier to construct page designs</LI>
You can see that additional HTML elements can be placed
within the DD DIALOG element such as list, paragraph, or even
an article.
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