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You must, must, must know how to PREsell!

You must, must, must know how to PREsell!

Basically, The Affiliate Masters Course delivers the single most productiveapproach to affiliate income. It will show you how to PREsell your way to a CR of5-10% and at the same time, maximize targeted traffic to your site and your
merchants’ sites (and your other monetization options, if applicable).If you’re drawing targeted traffic to your site... and if your site is getting a greatClick-Through Rate (CTR) to the merchants that you represent (and your othermonetization sources)... and if you are converting a high percentage of them intosales.
You are following the roadmap to becoming a high-earning affiliatechampion!

Let’s summarize the whole point of PREselling with this question...
Which would yourespond to?...

A stranger with a sales pitch?
Or… A knowledgeable friend making a recommendation?
Before proceeding to DAY 2, please complete your DAY 1 Goal-of-the-DAY, andtake note of your Ongoing Goal.
Deepen and focus your understanding of this material. Re-read it once per weekfor the next eight weeks, monthly after that. As you progress through DAYS 2through 10, it’s going to be easy to lose sight of the “big picture” presented today.
And there’s another reason to re-read regularly. It will mean more and more to
you as you gain each DAY’s new perspective.Most people fail in any business because they don’t plan adequately. That’s
three times as true for an Internet business and five times as true for what youare about to do. Here’s why...
If you pick the wrong concept, if you develop the wrong topics, if you pick thewrong affiliate programs... you’ll get the wrong results.
So many small businesses fail to start at the beginning with Content. Instead, they start at the end with Monetization.
This part of The Affiliate Masters Course focuses on what you need to dofirst. It guides you past the barriers and hazards and sets you on the road that isright for you…

Your road to success.

You are embarking upon a truly rewarding journey. Have no doubts -- this is
“winnable” e-commerce. It’s totally under your control.

What you are about to read is likely a radical departure from what you have beendoing. Take your time and read carefully. Receive the key to becoming anAffiliate Master.

OK, enough “kung-fu grasshopper” stuff.

Back to real-time preparation. You have already started your journey in the rightdirection by completing the first preparatory step, the foundation for all futureactions...
as much time to build a low-potential business as a high-potential one. So invest
the time now to maximize your returns later.

• Develop High Profitability Topics (DAY 3)
Develop hundreds of possible Keyword-Focused topics for your concept, thennarrow them down to the ones with the most profitability. Relax, it’s a snap onceI introduce you to a few Net tools.

And then it’s on to the final preparatory step...

• Plan Your Monetization Models (DAY 4)
Here’s where it starts to get fun. Based on the concept and topics that youdeveloped, research affiliate programs that exciteyou and that fityour concept.
At this point, plan for affiliate marketing to be your primary monetization model.
However, it is also important to consider other potential income streams thatwould be suitable for your business. Diversity fosters stability.

Don’t rush through the prep DAYS. They are easy -- so it’s tempting to zoom.
Don’t. Even though they are not difficult, they do require thoughtfulconsideration.


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