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Do not represent

Do not represent merchants who simply bribe you with a high commission
to recommend overpriced products. A short-term gain like this ends up in
long-term pain. Your reputation is your foundation. Build it on rock rather
than sand.Watch the SBI! Video Guide for an inside-look at how SBI! provides all
the information, strategies and tools needed to progress from
brainstorming to content-development to traffic-building to growing a
profitable business.You mean every word of it, of course. And you are really proud of your site. And
you know that you are doing visitors a favor by telling them about the SiteSellproducts. So maybe you see an honest site that tries to share the benefits of SBI! with yourvisitor. But your visitor does not know you or your motivations. And most
importantly, she is not reading the relevant information that she was searchingfor.Your visitor sees a straight sales effort. With no other true content, it would be
hard for “an outsider” to see it any other way. It does not matter what you see. If your visitors basically perceive a straightsales effort for your merchants, you’re selling, not PREselling. That means that
the two-step process is now SELL.But if you develop great content, it will lead to the click. You become a friend
making a recommendation rather than a stranger making a sales pitch. And if
you create a truly great site, you’ll actually become a trusted expert making anendorsement.In other words, don’t push your visitor to the click. Make her want to click. It
makes all the difference if your visitor feels that it’s her idea to deliver your MWR(the open-to-buy click).However, if you can develop a unique twist in the way you present high-valueWeb marketing information and build at least 30 quality content pages about thissubject, then go for it. But don’t limit your monetization efforts to PREselling SiteBuild It! exclusively. Instead, diversify.

For example, let’s say you create a content page about “how to write persuasivesales copy on the Net.” Within that page, include in-context text links to your Top3 books about copywriting. Do not create another Web marketing site. There are zillions of them.
You love concrete. Yes, cement! It’s been your hobby, your passion, for years...
Concrete statues. Concrete painting. Decorative concrete. Concrete in the
garden. Repairing concrete. The various types of concrete. Hand trowels.
Things to do with cement blocks. Concrete trade shows. Concrete and
swimming pools. Concrete molds. Cleaning concrete. Ready mixed concrete.
Concrete what’s happening? When you write about a niche that you know and love,
the content is easy. I’ll show you how to attract even more targeted traffic byranking well for the Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization) later on.

By providing great content, you PREsell your reader, increasing your clickthroughs and your CR. And by monetizing through related and excellent affiliateprograms, and other appropriate monetization models, you develop multiplestreams of income from one site.

This is the way to go.


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