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PNH Toolbar

Till this point, you’ve read about tools that are broad in scope. The PNH toolbar
is a very specific utility that I’ve found absolutely invaluable as part of my Web
design toolbox.
ThePNHtoolbar is completely free, available across platforms, and can be installed
in Netscape 7.0+, Mozilla 1.0+, and Mozilla FirefoxWeb browsers instantly. Once
installed, you can use its reference links and fantastic utilities while you’re developing
Some of the PNH toolbar features include the following:
Instant access to W3C reference materials
Page testing where any open document can be run through HTML, CSS,
Accessibility, and other validation tools in a background tab
Allows you to disable styles on a given page, add an external style sheet
to any page open within the browser, outline block elements, outline
replaced elements, outline table cells, turn off images, and resize your
browser window to custom as well as conventional sizes
View form and cookie details
View source
Access additional Mozilla and related tools instantly


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