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JavaScript objects

The animation concepts you learn here can be incorporated into more advanced JavaScript projects;
however, the goal is not to hand you a collection of pre-built code for you to copy and paste, but to convey
an understanding of the principles that make each one work.
Because this book is written using JavaScript, you need to know some of the main ideas of the language
to appreciate what's going on in the examples. Since the most important things in JavaScript are objects
and functions (which is just a special kind of object), we'll look at those first.

JavaScript has been designed as a simple object-based system. An object is a data structure that contains
properties. These properties can be variables, functions, or other objects. When a function is assigned to a
property, it is known as an object’s method. Objects are predefined in the browser, or you can create your
own. For example, to create an empty object and store it in a variable to reference later, you write:
var objA = {};
This creates an object with no properties and stores it in the variable objA. Because JavaScript objects
can be modified by default at any time, we can add a new property to it like this: = "My Object A";
This creates a new property called name on the objA object and assigns it a string value "My Object A".
You can always access the object’s property value using the notation You can also create
properties when declaring a new object, as follows:
var objB = {
name: "My Object B",
hello: function (person) {
console.log("Hello, " + person);

Here, we’ve created a new object, objB, that contains two properties: the property name, which contains a string,
and the property hello, within which we’ve stored a function. Because a function is also an object in JavaScript,
you can pass it around and assign it to variables like any other value. This example method takes a string as an
argument and prints a message to the browser’s debugging console:
objB.hello("Gentle Reader"); //prints: "Hello, Gentle Reader"

We’ve declared objects with properties as we’ve needed them, but what if you want to create multiple objects with the
same property definitions? You can create them one by one, but it’s more efficient to use a constructor function. A
constructor is a special kind of function that creates a new object based on the properties assigned to that constructor.
After it's set up, you can create a new object instance by invoking the constructor with the new command. To distinguish a
constructor function from a regular function, use the convention of starting the name with a capital letter:
function MyObject (person) { = person;
this.say = function () {
console.log("It's " +;
var objA = new MyObject("Gentle Reader");
objA.say(); //prints: "It's Gentle Reader"

In the constructor, notice the special object this, which we can add properties to. This is the object that is
returned from the constructor. Any variables declared in the constructor function that are not attached to
the this object cannot be directly accessed from outside the constructor


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