A hacker by definition believes in access to free information.
They are usually very intelligent people who could care very little
about what you have on your system. Their thrill comes from
system infiltration for information reasons. Hackers unlike
“crackers and anarchist” know being able to break system
security doesn’t make you a hacker any more than adding 2+2
makes you a mathematician. Unfortunately, many journalists
and writers have been fooled into using the word ‘hacker.” They
have attributed any computer related illegal activities to the term
Real hackers target mainly government institution. They believe
important information can be found within government
institutions. To them the risk is worth it. The higher the security
the better the challenge. The better the challenge the better they
need to be. Who’s the best keyboard cowboy? So to speak!
These individuals come in a variety of age classes. They range
from High School students to University Grads. They are quite
adept at programming and are smart enough to stay out of the
They don’t particularly care about bragging about their
accomplishments as it exposes them to suspicion. They prefer to
work from behind the scenes and preserve their anonymity.
Not all hackers are loners, often you’ll find they have a very tight
circle of associates, but still there is a level of anonymity between
them. An associate of mine once said to me “if they say they are
a hacker, then they’re not!”
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