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Merchandising in a glance (How merchandising works)

Years of Experience makes retail merchants to convince customers to buy they creates a environment in their business to buy the product from their ruther then going to some where else.A good way of experienced way of putting products in their sites display and site layout and knowledge of making it puts most of the merchandiser in a different skale then others.On the other hand skilled sales individuals and their experience allow them to know about custommers needs and finding the right product according to the demands.This skills of merchendising can be difficult to practice remotely.Moreover individuals and companies must learn or be able to transfer this skills in to the web to their sites.

Some products are easier to sell in the web cause custommers demand and merchendising or sales skills makes it easier to meet the requirement of the customer.Such as electronics like cell phones,computers because they are easy to describe and
to meet the requirements.


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