If you’re using the Mac OS X version, follow these steps:
1. In Komodo Edit, make sure that your new project is selected in the
Projects sidebar; then choose Project.MyFirstMobileProject.
The Project Properties window for your project opens.
2. Select Directory Import from the Categories menu in the left pane.
3. Under Directory to Import From, use the browse button to locate the
folder containing the unzipped Mobile Boilerplate files.
4. Click OK.
5. Double-click the name of your project in the Project Sidebar to see the
list of Mobile Boilerplate files that you just imported.
Importing Mobile Boilerplate in Windows
If you’re using the Windows version, follow these steps:
1. Right-click your project in the Projects sidebar and choose Add.
Existing File.
A file browser window will open
2. Browse to the Mobile Boilerplate folder that you unzipped earlier,
select all the files inside it, and click OK.
Note that you can only add files, not folders, in this step. Picture what your Projects sidebar should look like now.
3. Right-click your project in the Projects sidebar and choose Add.
Existing Folder.
The file browser will open again.
4. Select the folder named build inside the Mobile Boilerplate folder and
click OK to add it to your project.
The build folder and all its subfolders and files will be added to your
5. Repeat Step 4 to add all the folders inside the Mobile Boilerplate to
your project.
When you’re finished, your Projects sidebar should look something like
Figure 3-8.
The Mobile Boilerplate contains a couple of hidden files, including one
called .htaccess, which is used to configure some settings when your
site is copied to the Internet. If your computer isn’t configured to show
hidden files, you won’t see these files if you open your project folder
by navigating to it through the Mac OS X Finder or Windows Explorer.
Komodo Edit will display the hidden files in your project, however.
6. Choose File.Save All from the main menu.
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