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SQL Server and its use

SQL Server is Microsoft’s high-end client-server database. To load the Lyric Music database into
SQL Server, do the following:
❍ Launch the SQL Server Query Analyzer and log in using the master sa (system administrator)
login or a login provided to you by your database administrator.
❍ From the menu select File | Open. With the book’s CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive,
browse to your CD-ROM drive and select LyricSQLServer.sql.
❍ If you do not have rights to create a database, delete the first four lines of the script file that
is loaded.
❍ From the menu select Query | Execute to run the script and create the Lyric Music database.
To practice your SQL, do the following:
❍ Launch the SQL Server Query Analyzer and login using the master sa login or a login
provided to you by your database administrator.
❍ Type the SQL command in the upper pane.
❍ Run the SQL by selecting Query | Execute from the menu or by clicking the green triangle
icon in the toolbar. The results will appear in the lower pane.
Data description commands:
❍ To list all user tables in your SQL Server database type: select name from sysobjects where
type = ‘U’
❍ To list all fields, data types, and related information for a particular table type: exec sp_help

MySQL is a free client-server database that can be downloaded from
MySQL is used in many websites, especially web sites hosted on Linux servers. However, it also
runs under Windows. To load the Lyric Music database, do the following:
❍ Go to a command prompt (Start | All Programs | Accessories Command Prompt depending
on your version of Windows).
❍ Once at a command prompt you will probably need to change to the directory in which
your MySQL programs are installed. Under Windows that is normally done with:
❍ Place the book’s CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive, then type:
mysql mysql < d:LyricMySQL.sql. Replace the d: with the letter of your CD-ROM drive.
To practice your SQL, do the following:
❍ Launch MySQLManager (You will find this in the /mysql/bin folder. It would be a good idea
to create a shortcut on your desktop or in your Start menu. This program is where you can
enter SQL.)
❍ From the drop-down menu select Tools | SQL Query
❍ Click the yellow cylinder database icon to view a list of your databases. Select Lyric
❍ Click on the Query tab and type Use followed by the name of your Lyric Music database
(i.e., Use Lyric).
❍ Click the green triangle run icon. The display will switch to the Results tab, but not show
any results.
❍ Click back on the Query tab and type your SQL command. Use the green triangle run icon
to view your results.
Data description commands:
❍ To list all user tables in your Oracle database type: show tables
❍ To list all fields and data types in a particular table type: describe tablename

SQL Server and its use

What is Microsoft Access?

what is microsoft sql and its importance

SQL Standard

The History of SQL

What is SQL?


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